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Legislative Advocacy
Updated On: May 30, 2015

Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA) is our legal coverage

TMPA was founded in 1950 to protect the interest of peace officers and public safety employees. TMPA works with professional confidence and skill to represent all issues that impact law enforcement including:

  • Criminal Justice: TMPA works very hard to strengthen criminal penalties and fight off legislation that would hamper your ability to protect your communities. We do more than give lip service to legislation that impacts the Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, and other statutes that you use to enforce the law.
  • Employment: TMPA is the moderate and respected voice for employment issues in the Texas Legislature and it is TMPA that Legislators seek out for input on employment matters. TMPA was founded to protect the interest of police officers who won civil service legislation and it continues today to work for enhancement of wages, benefits, and due process for all public safety personnel.
  • Regulatory and Licensing: TMPA monitors and provides extensive input into statutes that guide TCOLE and other commissions that may have any impact on law enforcement. TMPA maintains regular contact with TCOLE and provides constructive input and advice on regulatory issues.
  • Member-driven: TMPA maintains a legislative program that is member-driven. We will not endorse or support legislation that is not in our member’s best interest.
  • Scholarships: Every year, TMPA Charities awards 11 college scholarships to children of TMPA members.  The scholarships, ranging from $1,500 to $5,000. To date, TMPA Charities has provided more than $250,000 in scholarship funds to the families of our members.

Irving Police Association FOP323
PO Box 170877
Irving, TX 75017

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